
Podcast # 4

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Podcast #4 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: This week on the KNUE News we have information on the movie for next week as well as some helpful study hints.

To read more about Ratatouille or watch a trailer go to; http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/ratatouille.html

To go to the Disney site for Ratatouille go to; http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/ratatouille/main.html

To read the Ratatouille script go to: http://disneystudiosawards.movies.go.com/ratatouille_script.pdf

To see more famous phrases like the one in our trivia question go to; http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/phrases-sayings-shakespeare.html

Vocabulary words: selected from classes taught this week and read by a guest instructor every podcast

to pluck - To pull out or to remove
intolerant - To not be accepting of something or someone
level-headed - To be able to remain calm even in hectic situations
To brag - To boast or exaggerate
nerve-racking - extremely irritating, annoying or stressful
superstition - A belief in something unnatural
ensuite - A bathroom attached to a bedroom-usually the master bedroom
satire - A literary work which ridicules human foolishness
gold digger - A person who dates or marries someone only for their money

Question of the Week: What’s your favorite thing about KNUE so far? Thank you to all the trainees who participated.

Teaching Tips: This podcast teaching tip comes from Dorit Sasson in her article “Teaching Vocabulary In Context

Interview: Clint interviews August about his life long love of music. August also provides some information on music performances that you might enjoy here in Cheongju. You can visit August’s website and listen to his music at; www.augustchamplin.com


Podcast # 3

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 12 minute podcast

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Podcast #3 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: This week on the KNUE News we have information about the local area for all the new trainees including information about the IETTP program.

You can contact the administration office at 043-233-4516. For further questions go to KNUE Office for more information on the program. For more information on the KNUE campus, go to; KNUE Campus If you would like to find out more about your classes or instructors, go to The KNUE Wiki.

For information on mosquitoes and how to protect yourself from mosquito bites, go to; http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Protect-Yourself-from-Mosquito-Bites&id=721506

Vocabulary words: selected from classes taught this week and read by a guest instructor every podcast

procrastinate - To wait until the last minute to do something
White lies - Small and usually harmless lies
A short attention span - To be unable to pay attention for long periods of time
Party animal - A person who enjoys social events and usually has a good time. Can indicate a drinker of alcohol
Party pooper - A person who does not enjoy social gatherings and makes the ‘party’ not as much fun
Sophisticated - To have social experience and to know how to act in social situations
slob - A very messy person
Clean freak - A person who is obsessed with cleaning.
tattletale - A person who can not keep a secret or informs authorities about another person’s wrong doings.

Question of the Week: Who are you and where do you come from? Thank you to all the trainees who participated.

Interview: Because this is the first week there is no instructor interview. Come back in two weeks to hear a new interview.

Teaching Tips: As this is a quick introductory podcast there will be no teaching tips this week. Come back in two weeks to hear teaching tips.
