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Podcast #11 Show Notes
KNUE NEWS: This week on the KNUE News we have information about yellow dust and how to protect yourself.
You can find the answer for the trivia question at:
For real time air quality reports, check out
For more information on the Yellow dust go to

Behind the Music : Every podcast, Clint and a special guest star explain meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features Simon and Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson”. You can download lyrics for the song at Mrs. Robinson.
Vocabulary words: selected from classes that will be taught next week and read by a guest instructor
espresso - A strong coffee originated in Italy
to decline - To refuse or say ‘no’
a cradle robber - a person who has romantic relationships with very young people
in the limelight - to be in the public view
a tough cookie - A person who is very physically or emotionally strong.
scatter-brained - A person who has a very unorganized mind. Foolish or stupid
vasectomy - the surgery that prevents men from impregnating women
flamboyant - colorful, bright, loud, showy
subordinate - someone or something that is lower or inferior to another
compliant - a person who yields or obeys
Trainee Spotlight: A trainee journal or essay read by the author. As this is the beginning of the new semester, there is no reading in this podcast. If you would like to read your journal or essay for the next podcast, let us know. This is a great opportunity to share and learn from your classmates.

Interview: Clint interviews Belinda. You can find out more about Belinda at The KNUE Wiki