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Podcast #16 Show Notes
KNUE NEWS: [1:20] This month on the news we have useful information about the local area.
You can find the answer for the trivia question at:
Vocabulary words:[3:30] These words are chosen from trainee and instructor suggestions and are read by a guest instructor every podcast.
to expect - to regard as likely or to believe that something will happen
to anticipate - to foresee in advance and to take action or to expect
to look forward to - to be excited or happy about a future event
compatible - to get along with/to have something in common with
snobbish - arrogant regarding social experience
to negotiate - to talk with others to reach an agreement
Global English - a modern concept that all varieties of English are equal/sometimes known as International English
partner - one member of a couple or group/a member of a romantic relationship used instead of husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend
to cohabitate - to live together
to chill out - a slang expression meaning to relax

Trainee Spotlight: []A trainee journal or essay read by the author. As we haven’t had time for any journals or essays to be written, there is no trainee spotlight this month. If you would like to be the spotlight next month, let Nicole or Clint know.