
Podcast # 17

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Podcast #17 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: [1:20] This month on the news we have information about the upcoming KNUE Christmas concert and the VISA interview for the overseas trip.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_flu_pandemic

Vocabulary words:[4:20] These words are chosen from trainee and instructor suggestions and are read by a guest instructor every podcast.

to slurp - to make loud sucking noises while drinking
a delusion - a false belief; to see something falsely
saliva - a watery fluid created in the mouth to help chew and digest food
in-tangible - not definite or clear; can not be clearly given an assigned value
to swear - to promise; to use offensive language
a thong - panties with a string back
asthma - a breathing illness
to hyperventilate - to breath too quickly resulting in dizziness or unconsciousness
PDA - acronym for ‘public display of affection’
a knee-jerk reaction - to act without thinking

Behind the Music : [6:45]Every podcast, Clint explains meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a hip hop song by Mos Def called “Traveling Man”. Click
to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: [18:20]A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This month we are featuring PJ from class S-2. He’s reading his essay for us.

Interview: [21:50]Clint interview Andrew Mutch this month.
