
Podcast #1

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Podcast #1 Show Notes

This week on the KNUE News we have information about the American destinations. The following websites will lead to you more information about the stories mentioned during the podcast.

MSU – The Dairy Story
The Hidden Lake Garden
Wharton Center
PSU – Berkey Creamery
Penn State Golf Course
Center Stage Performing Arts

UM – Calendar of events

UO - Eugene Tourism

Vocabulary: Do a number on someone/me
Best man/maid of honor
The long way/a short cut
Rug rat

Question of the Week: What do you want to do in America? Thank you to all the trainees who participated.

Interview: Clint and Paul talk about weddings and cross-cultural relationships.

Reading of the Week: From Amanda in class 2 we have a reading from her composition class about her favorite teacher.

Teaching Tips: Today’s teaching tip comes from ESL Teacher Talk podcast which you can find at; http://www.eslteachertalk.com/2008/06/using-board-games/



Betty's Circle said...

Thanks Nicole and Clint for hardworking an preparation. It was so good for me, Why??? the familiar voice. Much much easier to listen. Good idea - trivia quiz(the answer is at the end). Weather, brief introduction of 4 universities, culture tips. Congratulations on Paul's Wedding! I'm expecting Podcast #2! THANKS Again. Yeon Jun-hum

Betty's Circle said...

Hello Nicole and Clint and all other people who participated in this creative project! It's awesome. Thank you all for sharing this! Looking forward to seeing more in the future! Love,Betty~~;)

jaejoon said...

Hi Nicole &Clint,
It's a superb job, excellent!!
You guys seem to have broadcasting in your blood.
I like all the categories, the vocabulary words, interview, reading, and teaching tips...
The live interview is the one I like most. I am proud of all the trainees who took part in this podcast. Thank you, Nicole and Clint. I am looking forward to the next casting.

To Paul,
Happy Wedding!

Ran said...

Thank you, two, Nicole and Clint
You are like a real announcer.
Thanks to you, I learned new things. From here I recognized the power of techonology. When i get back to my school, I will use techonology like you to get student's attention. Thank you. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Hi~Nicole and Clint~
I'm Marcia from E4!!^---^
I really enjoyed listening to your news. It made me feel like becoming a detective cuz I tried to find out whose voices are (some of them are very familiarㅋㅋ)
Thanks a milion foy your effort.

Anonymous said...

Hi~Nicole and Clint~
I'm Marcia from E4!!^---^
I really enjoyed listening to your news. It made me feel like becoming a detective cuz I tried to find out whose voices are (some of them are very familiarㅋㅋ)
Thanks a milion foy your effort.

Anonymous said...

loved it!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a hard-studying trainee, but I won't skip listening to any of your podcast. So cool material to improve my listening.

I love the sound. "KNUE NEW~S" of Nicole's voice.
and after that Is the sound "Miho?"
It sounds like that!

With love, Marcia-E3

Anonymous said...

I was tired of long orientations.
But you made me laugh and I got some energy from you!!!
I'm Sunny in E06.
Happy to be here and thank you for your hard work.
I'm gonna tell my classmates about your podcast a lot.
I'm not a tattletale~
I just like to tell my friends good things.^^
Also I'd like to have a good lucj to be interviewed~
See you!