
Podcast # 6

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Podcast #6 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: This week on the KNUE News we have more information on The International KOTESOL conference including the price to get in as well as this year’s speakers.

To find out more information on the upcoming International KOTESOL conference go to; http://www.kotesol.org/?q=IC08

To find out more information on speakers and their speech topics go to; http://www.kotesol.org/?q=IC08InvitedSpeakers2

To view the source of information in our trivia question go to; http://www.etymonline.com/

Vocabulary words: selected from classes taught this week and read by a guest instructor every podcast

Penultimate - Second to last
to hang one’s head and cry - To give up or to express sorrow
fanny pack - A small bag that is worn on the waist
air kiss - To kiss the air next to a person’s cheek (a greeting)
staycation - A blended word meaning to stay home during a break from work or study rather than going somewhere
allegory - A symbolic representation of a person or event
lint - Small pieces of thread or material from cloth
urinal - An upright plumbing fixture for men to urinate in
onomatopoeia - the formation of a word by imitation of a sound made by or associated with it

Trainee Spotlight: A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This week’s spotlight is on Tranio from secondary class 5 as he reads from his journal.

Interview: Clint interviews Ross about his experiences as a world traveler and the romantic story of meeting his wife.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Nicole.
I'm Sharon from S6 in the spring term. I'm sure you rememer me. Two months have passed since I left KNUE. But I still miss the days there. I like to listen to this podcast, because i can listen to the instructors' lovely voices again and get to know them better.
Thanks for your teaching.
I try to make use of the various activities I learned from your class. See ya!

Rachael said...

Hi, Nicole and Clint.
I suddenly got interested in the KNUE Podcast!
You know the reason..:)
Thanks for your effort for this podcast.
I listened and downloaed #3~#6.
I think this is good for listening practice!
Nicole, your sound like you are a professional!
See you in the class.

Anonymous said...

Ross's interview... How romantic!
And I really enjoyed listening to his accent. Sometimes not easy to understand but... attractive^^.