
Podcast # 17

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Podcast #17 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: [1:20] This month on the news we have information about the upcoming KNUE Christmas concert and the VISA interview for the overseas trip.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_flu_pandemic

Vocabulary words:[4:20] These words are chosen from trainee and instructor suggestions and are read by a guest instructor every podcast.

to slurp - to make loud sucking noises while drinking
a delusion - a false belief; to see something falsely
saliva - a watery fluid created in the mouth to help chew and digest food
in-tangible - not definite or clear; can not be clearly given an assigned value
to swear - to promise; to use offensive language
a thong - panties with a string back
asthma - a breathing illness
to hyperventilate - to breath too quickly resulting in dizziness or unconsciousness
PDA - acronym for ‘public display of affection’
a knee-jerk reaction - to act without thinking

Behind the Music : [6:45]Every podcast, Clint explains meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a hip hop song by Mos Def called “Traveling Man”. Click
to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: [18:20]A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This month we are featuring PJ from class S-2. He’s reading his essay for us.

Interview: [21:50]Clint interview Andrew Mutch this month.



Podcast # 16

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 28 minute podcast

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Podcast #16 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: [1:05] This month on the news we have information about the upcoming KNUE Christmas concert and the Cheongju Craft Bienale.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at:

Vocabulary words:[2:45] These words are chosen from trainee and instructor suggestions and are read by a guest instructor every podcast.

a cougar - slang for a middle aged woman who prefers younger men in a romantic relationship
a peeping tom - a person who secretly watches others, often through windows
a mugger - a person who robs other people by threatening them with violence
an affiliation - an association with; a connection to
a counterfeiter - to make fake objects; to make counterfeit money
a hunch - a feeling; intuition; a belief
a sugar daddy - slang for a man who pays living costs for a woman; often the woman is much younger than the man
bias - prejudice; to favor someone or something instead of another
car jacker - a person who steals cars while the owner is in the car or nearby
inter-racial - a mixture of racial groups

Behind the Music : [4:55]Every podcast, Clint explains meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a Beatles song called “Nowhere Man”. Click here to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: [11:35]A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This month we are featuring Michelle from class E-7. She’s reading her journal for us.

Interview: [18:35]Clint interviews Murdo Mackay this month. You can find out more about Murdo at; http://iettpforum.ning.com/main/search/search?q=murdo+mackay


Podcast # 15

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 20 minute podcast

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Podcast #16 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: [1:20] This month on the news we have useful information about the local area.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza#Etymology

Vocabulary words:[3:30] These words are chosen from trainee and instructor suggestions and are read by a guest instructor every podcast.

to expect - to regard as likely or to believe that something will happen
to anticipate - to foresee in advance and to take action or to expect
to look forward to - to be excited or happy about a future event
compatible - to get along with/to have something in common with
snobbish - arrogant regarding social experience
to negotiate - to talk with others to reach an agreement
Global English - a modern concept that all varieties of English are equal/sometimes known as International English
partner - one member of a couple or group/a member of a romantic relationship used instead of husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend
to cohabitate - to live together
to chill out - a slang expression meaning to relax

Behind the Music : [6:15]Every podcast, Clint explains meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a Beck song called “Lost Cause”. Click here to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: []A trainee journal or essay read by the author. As we haven’t had time for any journals or essays to be written, there is no trainee spotlight this month. If you would like to be the spotlight next month, let Nicole or Clint know.

Interview: [14:15]In this month’s interview we have advice from all the instructors about what trainees can do to have a successful experience here at KNUE.


Overseas Interview

Listen to an Interview with Mary MacDonald from PSU

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Listen to an interview with Rita Krause from MSU

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We didn't have a chance to interview anyone from Montana or Oregon but we hope that you can find some useful information in these interviews. Have a great summer!

Nicole & Clint


Podcast # 13

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 24 minute podcast

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Podcast #13 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: Tune in next month for four interviews with overseas program coordinators.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at: http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-Jet-Lag

Vocabulary words:[1:12] selected from classes that will be taught next week and read by a guest instructor

sophisticated - graceful in social situations due to social experience/worldly wisdom
naive - having a lack of social experience/foolish behavior due to lack of experience
argumentative - to enjoy arguments or disputes
assertive - being able to state your opinions without hesitation
aggressive - strongly inclined to behave in a pushy or hostile way
a nose job - a slang expression referring to plastic surgery on the nose
prestigious - having a high reputation
a chaperone - an adult who watches or protects younger people
karma - a Buddhist belief that a person is rewarded or punished as a result of their own actions

Behind the Music : [2:55]Every podcast, Clint explains meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a Gnarles Barkley song called “Blind Mary”. Click here to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: [12:15]A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This week we have an essay written and read by Julie from secondary class 4.

Interview: There is no interview this podcast but stay tuned for next month’s interviews with the overseas program coordinators.


Podcast # 12

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 27 minute podcast

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Podcast #12 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS:[1:30] This week on the KNUE News we have information about the upcoming overseas destinations.

For bike rentals go to; bikes
For information on Michigan Eats go to; Michigan Eats
For information on Berkey Creamery go to: Creamery
For golf course information go to; Golf/
To visit the Adams Event Center go to; Adams
To find out about local restaurants and shops go to: Merchants
For information on the Recreational center go to; Rec Center
To read more about Bard in the Quad go to: Bard

You can find the answer for the trivia question at: Wiki Answers

Vocabulary words:[5:30] selected from classes that will be taught next week and read by a guest instructor

a twist ending - A surprise and unexpected ending to a story or movie
candidate - a person who seeks to win a position
to bid - to attempt to purchase or obtain (something)
unanimous - when all group members share the same opinion
stunning - extremely beautiful
complexion - the natural color, texture, and appearance of skin
slacker - a lazy person
keener - an eager person
a reduction - the action of reducing; the amount of reduced

Behind the Music : [7:00]Every podcast, Clint and a special guest star explain meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a Radiohead song called “No Surprise”. Click here to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: [15:20]A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This week we have an essay written and read by Cora from elementary class 7. If you would like to read your journal or essay for the next podcast, let us know. This is a great opportunity to share and learn from your classmates.

Interview: There is no interview this podcast but stay tuned for next month’s interview.


Podcast # 11

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 23 minute podcast

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Podcast #11 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: This week on the KNUE News we have information about yellow dust and how to protect yourself.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at: www.directgardening.com/detail.asp?pid=6141

For real time air quality reports, check out http://eng.airkorea.or.kr/

For more information on the Yellow dust go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Dust

Behind the Music : Every podcast, Clint and a special guest star explain meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features Simon and Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson”. You can download lyrics for the song at Mrs. Robinson.

Vocabulary words: selected from classes that will be taught next week and read by a guest instructor

espresso - A strong coffee originated in Italy
to decline - To refuse or say ‘no’
a cradle robber - a person who has romantic relationships with very young people
in the limelight - to be in the public view
a tough cookie - A person who is very physically or emotionally strong.
scatter-brained - A person who has a very unorganized mind. Foolish or stupid
vasectomy - the surgery that prevents men from impregnating women
flamboyant - colorful, bright, loud, showy
subordinate - someone or something that is lower or inferior to another
compliant - a person who yields or obeys

Trainee Spotlight: A trainee journal or essay read by the author. As this is the beginning of the new semester, there is no reading in this podcast. If you would like to read your journal or essay for the next podcast, let us know. This is a great opportunity to share and learn from your classmates.

Interview: Clint interviews Belinda. You can find out more about Belinda at The KNUE Wiki


Podcast # 10

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 23 minute podcast

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Podcast #10 Show Notes

KNUE News: This week on the KNUE News we have some advice from your instructors on how to have a successful experience during the program.

Vocabulary words: selected from classes that will be taught next week and read by a guest instructor
~to procrastinate - To wait until the last minute to do something
~absentminded - To be forgetful
~a short attention span - To be unable to pay attention for long periods of time
~a partier - A person who enjoys social events and usually has a good time. Can indicate a drinker of alcohol
~a teetotaler - A person who does not drink alcohol. It is derived from “T” for totally no alcohol.
~sophisticated - To have social experience and to know how to act in social situations
~a slob - A very messy person
~a clean freak - A person who is obsessed with cleaning.
~tattletale - A person who can not keep a secret or informs authorities about another person’s wrong doings.

Trainee Spotlight: A trainee journal or essay read by the author. As this is the beginning of the new semester, there is no reading in this podcast. If you would like to read your journal or essay for the next podcast, let us know. This is a great opportunity to share and learn from your classmates.

Behind the Music: Every podcast, Clint and a special guest star explain meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features The Red Hot Chili Pepper’s “Under The Bridge”. To see lyrics and vocabulary open this Under the Bridge word document.

Interview: Clint interviews Sam, August, Colin and Nicole about local restaurants that you might like to try.


Podcast # 9

Click the play button on the audio player to listen to this 17 minute podcast

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Podcast #9 Show Notes

This week we are breaking our normal format because we are lucky enough to have two interviews with program co-ordinators in the United States. The first interview is with Scott Ferry at UCSD and the second interview is with Thomas Wood at ASU. They have some great information and advice for you about the overseas programs. We apologize for not having an interview with the University of Florida but hopefully you will get some useful information from the other two interviews that will help you plan for your trip.

Clint, Nicole and all the other instructors would like to wish you all a wonderful trip to America. Be safe and have fun. Don't forget the English Zone.