
Podcast # 16

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Podcast #16 Show Notes

KNUE NEWS: [1:05] This month on the news we have information about the upcoming KNUE Christmas concert and the Cheongju Craft Bienale.

You can find the answer for the trivia question at:

Vocabulary words:[2:45] These words are chosen from trainee and instructor suggestions and are read by a guest instructor every podcast.

a cougar - slang for a middle aged woman who prefers younger men in a romantic relationship
a peeping tom - a person who secretly watches others, often through windows
a mugger - a person who robs other people by threatening them with violence
an affiliation - an association with; a connection to
a counterfeiter - to make fake objects; to make counterfeit money
a hunch - a feeling; intuition; a belief
a sugar daddy - slang for a man who pays living costs for a woman; often the woman is much younger than the man
bias - prejudice; to favor someone or something instead of another
car jacker - a person who steals cars while the owner is in the car or nearby
inter-racial - a mixture of racial groups

Behind the Music : [4:55]Every podcast, Clint explains meaning and vocabulary to a popular song. This week he features a Beatles song called “Nowhere Man”. Click here to download the lyrics.

Trainee Spotlight: [11:35]A trainee journal or essay read by the author. This month we are featuring Michelle from class E-7. She’s reading her journal for us.

Interview: [18:35]Clint interviews Murdo Mackay this month. You can find out more about Murdo at; http://iettpforum.ning.com/main/search/search?q=murdo+mackay

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