
Podcast # 9

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Podcast #9 Show Notes

This week we are breaking our normal format because we are lucky enough to have two interviews with program co-ordinators in the United States. The first interview is with Scott Ferry at UCSD and the second interview is with Thomas Wood at ASU. They have some great information and advice for you about the overseas programs. We apologize for not having an interview with the University of Florida but hopefully you will get some useful information from the other two interviews that will help you plan for your trip.

Clint, Nicole and all the other instructors would like to wish you all a wonderful trip to America. Be safe and have fun. Don't forget the English Zone.


Joanna said...

Thank you, Nicole.
I am excited a lot to go to Arizona. The information from the interview with Thomas is very helpful for me to prepare for that.

Rachael said...

Thank you very much for the information, Nicole.
And I am glad that I can see you again when we return.
It means.. Can I see you in the closing ceremony? Hope I can.
I'm trying to get my perfect condition back from the bad cold.
Thanks again. Take care~!

cordelia said...
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cordelia said...

Thanks to your hardworking and consideration, I could enjoy not only your fantastic site but also your class. Whenever I listen to your voice through this podcast, I really envy your clear pronunciation and the attractive voice. So, I will take you as my pronunciation role model. Don't forget me. Although I will not be able to listen to your class any more, I will always listen to your voice on this website. I am very shy so I'm not sure if I can leave a comment here but I think I can send you e-mails from time to time. I hope that you take good care of your health.

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear your enthusiastic and VERY-clear voice again, Nicole^^
And I can hear Clint's easygoing voice standing near you!!
It seems that The KNUE Podcast is fast evolving with progress. WOW!!
I'll never forget the days in KNUE and my passionate instructors.
Take care~ Bye-